AP's Disasterous, Out-of-Touch NFT Annoucement
The Associated Press drew backlash after announcing a new NFT video of migrants crossing the Mediterranean.
The full piece is published on the Daily Dot.
The Associated Press announced via tweet its newest NFT (non-fungible token) scheduled for release, a five-second video of migrants crossing the Mediterranean (tweet archived here). Twitter users were quick to criticize, arguing the AP was profiting on human suffering.
AP directors involved in the process took to Discord to answer questions and address concerns, only further muddleding explanations of why this was a good idea. One AP director stated: "Blockchain tech can help real facts become immutable,” a statement a Discord member quickly labeled “word salad.”
Check out the full piece on the Daily Dot.
Why the Associated Press’ migrant NFT fiasco could be a troubling new trend
The Associated Press released an NFT of migrants fleeing conflict. The backlash to the project was extremely vocal.